Types of 3D Scanners

3d intraoral scanner

Did you know that the 3D scanner industry is estimated to reach $1.1 billion this 2023?

3D scanners are devices used to measure physical objects quickly. They are used extensively in a variety of industries and applications. They can also transform products and ideas, accelerating product development and boosting revenue.

Are you looking for a suitable 3D scanner for your needs? Then take a look at these 3D scanning technologies at work. Let’s get started!

Laser 3D Scanners

Laser 3D scanners use laser technology to quickly and accurately measure an object’s physical features and geometry. They work by sending out a laser beam and analyzing how it reflects off an object.

As the beam is bounced off the object in all directions and angles. It captures the depth and other essential data to generate a 3D model.

Laser 3D scanners are efficient and accurate, making them ideal for various engineering, healthcare, and manufacturing industries. They are also relatively affordable, making them suitable for personal and professional use, like a 3D intraoral scanner.

Photogrammetry 3D Scanners

Photogrammetry 3D scanners are a new technology that captures 3D data onto a computer or tablet. These scanners create accurate, three-dimensional models of physical objects, collections, and other objects.

It can be helpful in manufacturing, analysis, marketing, and many other applications. It also captures 3D information using a combination of photos and computer-aided design software.

It measures the height, width, and depth of an object. Photos taken from different angles and perspectives are then stitched together, creating a 3D model.

Vibrometry 3D Scanners

Vibrometry 3D scanners are advanced tools for surface parameter measurements. These scanners measure the vibrations of 3D objects with high precision and accuracy.

It is then used to measure the mechanical properties of the object. This includes surface roughness, surface texture, and other parameters related to material property measurements.

Vibrometry 3D scanners are also widely used in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.

Structured Light 3D Scanning

Structured Light 3D Scanning, or Projection 3D Scanning, is a light-based 3D scanning technology technique that captures the geometry of an object or surface by projecting a pattern of structured light onto the object and capturing the way with a camera. The scanning process works by projecting onto an object light that is made up of multiple points and lines.

The camera then captures the pattern, and the resulting 3D point cloud of the object is analyzed by specialized software to create an accurate 3D model.

This Guide Will Help You Better Understand 3D Scanner Technology

3D scanners continue to advance and further the capabilities of 3D Scanning. Companies should review their 3D scanning needs and determine which type of 3D scanner will best suit their requirements.

With so many options, companies can access extensive precision scanning capabilities to implement in their workflows. Contact an expert today to find a suitable 3D scanner for you!

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